Every now and then, there comes a day that packs such a wallop, all you can do is hunker down and wait for it to pass.
Parents know these days.
Special needs parents know these days really well.Continue reading“Wallop”
Every now and then, there comes a day that packs such a wallop, all you can do is hunker down and wait for it to pass.
Parents know these days.
Special needs parents know these days really well.Continue reading“Wallop”
Our little friend in Alaska, Skye Emma, needs your help. She is a beautiful corgi who has helped her family through health crises over the years. She is also an amazing sister to her autistic human brother. As someone who’s a parent to both corgis and an autistic child, I know how healing and nurturing these darling dogs are. Continue reading“Please donate if you can.”
I often struggle between sharing too much and being fiercely private about my struggles. In a world already fraying at the edges, I hesitate to add my unique brand of grousing because what is one hard month in the grand scheme of things, right? Continue reading“Into each life some rain must fall.”
(Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash)
He looks forward to Wednesday evenings. They feel safe and dependable — a godsend if you’re autistic and anxious, like my son.Continue reading“Wednesday evenings.”
He was an autistic 8-year-old; not fond of animals. She was a feisty corgi puppy, determined to bite everyone in her path.
He screamed. She herded. He cried. She cocked her head and squeaked. But nevertheless she persisted.Continue reading“Nevertheless, she persisted – a true story.”
Sometimes I don’t need long, flowery prose to describe how strong my boy is. This was a picture of him when he was seven. He’d had surgery on both legs, and a mere three days after, he limped along with those bulky casts. Just so he could ride on a train.
I will do my best to ensure nothing and no one ever tames his fire. This passion, this drive?
This is his autism.
He has always been a cuddle bug. As a baby, he loved to burrow into the crook of my neck, let out a milky sigh, and nod off to dreamland. He will snuggle in bed, on the couch, and latch on like a sloth if you’re on the move.Continue reading“Hold me tight: #thisisAutism”
First came signs, and then speech. Nirav signed his first word (milk) when he was almost two. And spoke that same word nearly 9 months later. “Mikku,” he would babble excitedly.” Mikku.”Continue reading“Words and Worlds: #thisisAutism”
Nirav almost always joins us on family hikes. Up and down the windy California coastline or deep inside massive redwood forests. He enjoys the exercise, the outdoors, and our company. Putting one foot in front of the other while the wind sings in his hair, echoing the cadence of his sister’s voice. There is no pressure to participate, so he ambles long, at peace with everything. Even if he doesn’t say a word, we know he’s watching, listening, and living every part.Continue reading“30 laps- #thisisAutism”
April is a special month in the Raman household. We prank each other silly on April fools’ day, and the rest of the month, we do our bit in talking about Autism acceptance.Continue reading“This is autism.”