A tale in two parts.


(Photo by Katie Drazdauskaite on Unsplash)

Saturday, 01/15.2022

I’m spending two nights away from home, and hoo boy, it is such a maelstrom of emotions. On the one hand, I’m thrilled to have some me-time. One of the kids is coming with, so it won’t be all windswept hair and sips of chardonnay, but hey! Oregon beckons, and I get to see my dog again.

But on the other hand, I’m bummed. I’m a state-certified helicopter parent, and it will hurt to not see my older son for 2 days. The last time we weren’t under the same roof was way back in 2018, and I know it sounds silly, but I’m going to miss him so damn much. He’s not the chattiest, but this afternoon when I told him about my trip, the first thing he did was ask if he could come along. Then he wondered if I would be home at night to tuck him in and the way his face fell when I told him I wouldn’t. Now, I am his person and often the link between his thoughts and the big, loud world. So naturally, I am panicking about how unmoored he must feel and imagining all sorts of irrational scenarios. 

OR. Or maybe he will be just fine. He’ll game away into the night, quote Mario facts, and won’t think twice about his mom. Life has a way of surprising us sometimes. Fingers and toes crossed that the weekend goes by without too much chaos.


Tuesday, 01/18/2022

Oh, to be reborn as an SUV. Rumbling down serpentine highways, racing against the wind. The road belongs to me, and I to the road. 

I had a FANTASTIC time in Oregon, if you can’t tell already. The drive there is all kinds of gorgeous. Acres of farmland, dark leafy forests, the snow-capped peaks of Mount Shasta, and 8 hours on the road just fly by. 

Minnie was thrilled to see us, and so was my baby nephew. We went for walks, to the park, and got in tons of playtime. There was even time to hit a couple of stores, where I scored some of my favorite ice cream (Umpqua Dairy – 1 scoop of Bordeaux Cherry and 1 scoop of Chocolate Peanut Butter, you’re welcome.)

After a magical 48 hours, I came home last night to a happy kid who rushed in for a giant hug. And thank the Gods, old and new — he did just fine without me. Ate a lot, slept plenty, and beat his dad at racing games. His idea of bliss.

Tomorrow, our week begins — school, work, and the soothing monotony of life as a suburban family. I have chores, appointments, and many boring things to do.

The car is muddy. My body aches.

But you guys! My heart is so full. 


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