Every now and then, there comes a day that packs such a wallop, all you can do is hunker down and wait for it to pass.
Parents know these days.
Special needs parents know these days really well.Continue reading“Wallop”
Every now and then, there comes a day that packs such a wallop, all you can do is hunker down and wait for it to pass.
Parents know these days.
Special needs parents know these days really well.Continue reading“Wallop”
Ugh! 2024. Between the election horror show, the extreme weather patterns and unprecedented health issues, whew, am I glad it is over!Continue reading“It’s been…a year.”
I must have been 7 and in second grade. I was in a different classroom than all my usual friends and at that age; you feel the separation at a much deeper level. But after a few weeks, I was ok and thriving because of Ms. Reena, our class teacher. Now Ms. Reena was new to our school (and teaching, I suspected). She was young, very slender, and had a pretty nose, very much like my mom’s. I secretly fantasized that she was my “School mother” and delighted in being a total teacher’s pet. I would help her with arranging the chalk and watering the half-dead plant in the classroom. On one occasion, I even packed an extra “Gems” pack for her, because I thought she might like the sweetness after her daily lunch of Upma. I loved her like only a 7-year-old can and looked forward to Monday mornings when she’d walk into the classroom, trailing a scent of sandalwood behind her.Continue reading“No cheating!”
My darling child,
You are one person, yet you’re so much more than that. You change and grow daily, so what works now will not work tomorrow. How do I talk to you? All the versions of you that exist within your tiny self? So here’s a letter from the deepest part of me to every part of you.Continue reading“Dear Child.”
I’m terrified of failure. Since I was a kid, I’ve always toed the line, often to my detriment. And while this quest for success has served me well in my professional life, it has also chipped away at my core ideas of self-worth and fulfillment.Continue reading“Fail.”
There are stars of varying sizes all over the sky. Nestled between are crescent moons, silver, and rose. The stars move, and she follows them with her eyes, waiting to see if they return.Continue reading“Within her eyes – rewriting a birthday ode”
I often struggle between sharing too much and being fiercely private about my struggles. In a world already fraying at the edges, I hesitate to add my unique brand of grousing because what is one hard month in the grand scheme of things, right? Continue reading“Into each life some rain must fall.”
His once rounded shoulders are skinnier and he’s almost as tall as me. An avid gamer, he knows more about cars, airplanes and trains than I ever will. He’s smart, goofy, sensitive and absolutely ruthless at negotiations for extra game time. And when his face breaks out into the purest, most beautiful smile — aah! I live for that perfect moment.Continue reading“12!”
I was going through my Rolodex of posts and came upon this darling piece I wrote years ago. It is a favorite of mine, and I’ve received a lot of positive feedback (and 2 spam proposals). The folks at Medium liked it too, so in 2018, they published it on one of their Writing pages.
It’s a feel-good post — sappy, saccharine, and full of hope. Kind of how I feel right now. So without further ado, I present to you:
Illusions only last so long. Card tricks and sleight of hand, airbrushed pictures and TikTok trends.