Groucho Marx

Today I’m feeling like lists, so here goes. Things that really annoy me : People who brag about how little sleep they got – we get it! Coworkers, cashiers, random people you run into. Somehow this is meant to convey a sense of superpower : “I slept for just 2 …


We have these interesting terms in the special needs/autism world. NT (neurotypical aka non autistic), HF (high functioning), mild/moderate/severe as in degrees of autism (as if such a vast spectrum can be so cleanly and conveniently categorized). The use of these descriptions and acronyms is all pervasive. So much so …

20 perfect kernels of popcorn.

Button has always been a picky eater. No…. scratch that. How about super-sensitive-and-guaranteed-to-refuse-any-new-foods. That’s a much better description.It’s not just an autism thing. Part of it is probably the sensory defensiveness that comes under the autism umbrella and part of is it anxiety about new tastes and textures. I mean …


Lately I’ve noticed that I’ve been walking around in a constant state of fuzzblarghzz ( actual medical term!) You guys know what I mean. That dreamlike state that accompanies what-feels-like-centuries -of sleep deprivation. I’m awake and registering everything through foggy glasses and wondering what the legal limit is on coffee.See …

Witty Bean :)

So this is my first post in what is hopefully something I can keep going for a while! I’ve always wanted to blog/share my thoughts/rant about whatever is currently annoying me and I’ve done this whole “start+write a few words+ erase everything” shindig way too often. I also happen to …

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