Thank you and next up!

I wake up to a buzzing inbox, and I am so touched.

So many of you have texted/emailed me/reached out on Instagram/Facebook, and for that, I am grateful. Being a solo author is a big first step, and I’m glad I got to do it with a lovely publishing house that worked with my writing style. Ikaroa is a small company, but they have some real talent on their team, and I am thrilled to keep working with them.

My next book (getting released soon) will be for 10-12-year-olds. This tale — illustrated by the brilliant Swarnavo Datta — features the Indian Goddess Kali in her rawest form, with some pretty epic battle scenes. Nothing embodies awe as much as seeing the warrior Goddess battle deadly demons. And while this is a children’s book, I’m optimistic it will be a hit with adults too.

Thank you once again for being on this journey with me! It’s a privilege to wake up every day and do what I love, and I promise to always make you proud.

Happy Reading!

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