I’ve been on a no-frills fitness plan, and mostly, I am pleased.Continue reading“The bare bones solution”
Category: FITNESS
Week 1.
It’s been a weird pollen-y week here in California, and my sinuses are feeling it. I’ve been sniffling for a few days, assuring my daughter it’s not the COVID and stealth sneezing, to not worry her anymore. My first instinct has been to crash on the couch and drink soup, so I did that for half a day.Continue reading“Week 1.”
The one thing I can do.
(Photo by Natalie Grainger on Unsplash)
It’s pretty apparent I have been letting myself go for a while. I’m not very tall — 5’5” if I don’t slouch — so the extra weight shows. Folds exist where there were none before. I make this ungainly “unff” sound after climbing a flight of stairs. And my knees. Oh, my knees are writing angry letters to the editor.Continue reading“The one thing I can do.”