There are two types of destiny. One that happens to us. And one that we make for ourselves.Continue reading“Destiny.”
Category: moving forward
Keep calm and protect your friends.
More often than not, you’ll see or hear this from someone well intentioned: “At least you’re safe. You have a roof over your head and food on your table. Be thankful and quit complaining.”
Most people are jerks when they’re young. Flush with the arrogance that being 17 and 20 brings, they often say and do a lot of things they don’t believe deep within their hearts. Now the catch is that they’re privileged enough to not have to know better. They can afford to bully and mock, because they’re never the victims of society. Rich kids tweeting about casteism, when they’ve done zilch to help. Tone deaf Instagram posts to gain social clout. Folded hands and earnest words, thoughts and prayers, thoughts and prayers.
Part of me.
What does depression look like?
My WhatsApp folder is filled with endless pictures of Sushant Singh Rajput. His bravery in the face of adversity, his energy, his spirit. Instagram has page after page of real fans, crying about how much he meant to them. How much they saw themselves in him.Continue reading“Part of me.”
On a streak!
Last January, around this time, I made myself a tiny resolution: “For 365 days, I will work on a new skill and excel at it.”
The next step was finding a skill I did want to learn. Sewing/Knitting? No, not my cup of tea. Swimming? I already knew how to swim, plus hello? I loved my colored hair and was not about to dunk it in chlorine every day. Continue reading“On a streak!”
#amwriting challenge
I popped on over to the Momspresso Facebook page for the #amwriting challenge. These are weekly challenges and it was my delightful turn to select a prompt and share it with Momspresso’s vast audience. I will be helping choose a winner within a week and I’m pumped to read all the stories they come up with.Continue reading“#amwriting challenge”
Just you wait…
With his matted hair and snarling mouth, he crouched low and waited for me to run. Almost like he was egging me on to make a move.
“Give me a reason, little girl. Just give me one good reason and I’ll rip you to shreds.”Continue reading“Just you wait…”
The fastest you can go through 365 days is by lumping entire days together into weeks and months. I did that quite a bit in 2019.Continue reading“365.”
Open Sea.
Imagine you’re in the middle of the open sea. A good-sized boat, extra paddles should you need them and a hardy crew to help steer you through the bad storms. Plentiful food, a toasty spot under the sun and a warm blanket once the stars come out. Sure, there are big waves and fishes of all sizes under the water. If you look up, you might even catch some pesky grey clouds that hug the horizon. But it’s a decent, honest life. And it’s all you’ve known.Continue reading“Open Sea.”
Welcome to my new home!
Hey there, stranger, you made it! And you bought coffee? Well, come on in then!Continue reading“Welcome to my new home!”