I was entirely indifferent to the news of his death.

A few years ago, I was invited on a popular Mommy Channel to share a story I wrote. I’m particularly proud of this one, and I hope it makes you smile. 

(Also, how cute is this red lipstick? I remember losing the tube just before COVID hit and it has been discontinued since :/)

Please click on the link below the image to see the full video. Happy viewing!
Continue reading“I was entirely indifferent to the news of his death.”

Just a dog.

My dog, Minnie, celebrated her birthday this Sunday. She turned 3 and has been a source of joy and laughter every day she’s been in our lives. So, I sat at my table and decided to write her a poem.

Now, at first, I felt a little silly about the whole thing. She’s a dog (duh), can’t read (double duh!), and frankly, didn’t I have better things to do?Continue reading“Just a dog.”

I can’t and I won’t.


(Photo by Kaleidico on Unsplash )

These past few years, I’ve learned a lot about writing from an assortment of sources. The art of effortless storytelling. How to come up with pithy pieces. Which writing faux pas are frowned upon and which are forgiven. I’d like to think I’ve absorbed some of this knowledge, but these days my brain feels like grandma’s old sieve, so those lessons aren’t always reflected in my writing.Continue reading“I can’t and I won’t.”

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