

I was going through my Rolodex of posts and came upon this darling piece I wrote years ago. It is a favorite of mine, and I’ve received a lot of positive feedback (and 2 spam proposals). The folks at Medium liked it too, so in 2018, they published it on one of their Writing pages. 

It’s a feel-good post — sappy, saccharine, and full of hope. Kind of how I feel right now. So without further ado, I present to you: 

Continue reading“Cookie”

Oh Amma! Let me cry.

Shh..shh..don’t cry, baby girl. I’m here, darling. I’m right here.

I stop bawling and blink at your face. The world is blurry; the air leaching any semblance of warmth from my body . A thousand sounds ring, clank and beep around me. I smell you and burrow into your chest. You are familiar. You are my home.

Oh Amma, let me cry. Continue reading“Oh Amma! Let me cry.”

Fiery .

She walked down the road, acutely aware that the men were following her. The black dress billowed in the night air,  as she stepped nimbly over the cracks in the sidewalk. 10 feet behind, the men kept a steady pace, reeking of fried onions and cheap liquor.Continue reading“Fiery .”

Dark, dark stories.

Two dark stories, I wrote recently, are going to be published as part of a MicroFiction Anthology series, by Black Hare Press. One of them is apocalypse themed, and the other is a love story with a twist.

I’m beyond grateful. A lot of work goes into writing these tales, and what better reward than getting your work accepted by a big publishing house!

Thank you for reading!

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