They say “sex sells,” but I disagree. Continue reading“Soulmates.”
When in doubt, lie.
My 6-year-old came up to me yesterday, her eyes shining with some concern.
“Yes, darling.”
“So Eva told me yesterday that Santa is not real. Is that true, Amma?”Continue reading“When in doubt, lie.”
Thursday can’t come fast enough.
(Photo by nikko macaspac on Unsplash)
I’m a professional worrier, and this week, I’m earning my entire keep. On Thursday, at 3 pm, I’m set to participate in a meeting that decides Nirav’s academic plan and placement next year. Continue reading“Thursday can’t come fast enough.”
For the first time in forever.
(Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash)
I am abuzz. Positively abuzz. I’m thrilled to bits, and there’s a bounce to my step. Why? Because I have big plans, that’s why!Continue reading“For the first time in forever.”
Dignity? Who needs that?
I’m not the biggest fan of jumpsuits, rompers, and the like. In theory, they’re perfect — chic, summery, and go well with sneakers or heels. You could wear it to the mall, then get home, slap on a tailored jacket, and boom! You’re ready for dinner. See — in theory, perfect!Continue reading“Dignity? Who needs that?”
Silence is underrated – an absurd walk down memory lane.
(Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash)
My sister and I were reminiscing yesterday, mostly about my grandpa and his sheer badassery. A stringy beanpole of a man, grandpa (or Thatha as we called him), was a force of nature. Bright, articulate, and an absolute whiz at crosswords, he introduced us to Shakespeare and Wodehouse, the latter birthing in him a fondness for puns and wordplay. He was loaded with self-deprecating anecdotes — his favorite was the one about how he was napping after a huge lunch when India won independence from the British Monarchy. He loved the sillier side of life and was my best friend and confidante growing up.Continue reading“Silence is underrated – an absurd walk down memory lane.”
Movies vs. TV shows? Pfft, that’s an easy choice.
Most movies are quick, visual experiences, guaranteed to satiate hunger pangs. Like simple carbohydrates — they’ll give you a temporary high, and pretty soon — Boom! Sugar crash, and you’re hungry again.Continue reading“Chipotle.”
You ought to give me wedding rings.
(Photo by Sarah Dokowicz on Unsplash)
I’ve always been a hopeless romantic. I fall hard in love, fast and easy, and at any moment in time, I’m nursing at least a couple of crushes. But all those years ago, when I first laid eyes on him, it wasn’t the love I’d been used to. Continue reading“You ought to give me wedding rings.”
(Photo by Kevin Bosc on Unsplash)
Some days, I feel spent even before I set my feet on the ground. Not physically, but on the creative front. I drink copious amounts of coffee, play with the kids, walk the dog and read an excellent book. But when I sit down in front of my screen, I come up with an enormous ball of blah. There are no ideas in the old noggin, not even a kernel of one — all I can hear is the empty echoing of half-thoughts, tumbleweeding across the arid landscape. Evenings have always been my favorite part of the day to write, but recently I’ve begun glancing at the watch, feeling the blankness grow and consume me as the clock approaches 7.Continue reading“Tumbleweed.”
Ridiculous, authentic.
(Photo by zhenhao Liu on Unsplash)
Dogs have their priorities right. They eat plenty, nap when they feel like it, and bark if anyone acts fresh with them. Rain or shine, they’re always happy to go for a walk or dig in the mud, with no worries about the next paycheck or loan interest rates. Adorable, fluffy freeloaders in short, and you can’t help but go “aww” when they trot up to you, tails a waggin’.Continue reading“Ridiculous, authentic.”