A tale in two parts.


(Photo by Katie Drazdauskaite on Unsplash)

Saturday, 01/15.2022

I’m spending two nights away from home, and hoo boy, it is such a maelstrom of emotions. On the one hand, I’m thrilled to have some me-time. One of the kids is coming with, so it won’t be all windswept hair and sips of chardonnay, but hey! Oregon beckons, and I get to see my dog again. Continue reading“A tale in two parts.”

The chatterbox and the chump.

(Photo by Caroline Hernandez on Unsplash)

In new situations, I often flounder. As articulate as I like to think I am, my default mode is awkward mumbling when put in an unfamiliar or stressful scenario. I need a few minutes of back and forth before I relax enough to speak without sounding like a chump. I imagine it is the same for many adults (if not, I’m jealous, because how?)Continue reading“The chatterbox and the chump.”

Burn bright: #thisisAutism

Sometimes I don’t need long, flowery prose to describe how strong my boy is. This was a picture of him when he was seven. He’d had surgery on both legs, and a mere three days after, he limped along with those bulky casts. Just so he could ride on a train.

I will do my best to ensure nothing and no one ever tames his fire. This passion, this drive?

This is his autism.

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