Dear Decade-gone-by.

(I’m a storyteller and I cannot resist the pull of weaving a good tale. I love to regale my audience, make them gasp at all the right moments; the words ebbing and flowing with a life of their own. Soon I disappear,  but no one notices, because they’re immersed, lost in that make-believe world. And when the story ends -stunned silence! Disoriented, the audience looks at each other with a smile, the echoes of the final words still ringing in their ears. And I wait back, behind the curtains, pleased to have been in their heads for a few, long moments. This might be a long read, but I promise you. It’s worth your time.)Continue reading“Dear Decade-gone-by.”

On a streak!

Last January, around this time, I made myself a tiny resolution:  “For 365 days, I will work on a new skill and excel at it.”

The next step was finding a skill I did want to learn. Sewing/Knitting? No, not my cup of tea. Swimming? I already knew how to swim, plus hello? I loved my colored hair and was not about to dunk it in chlorine every day. Continue reading“On a streak!”

Orange Flower Awards 2020

The Orange Flower Awards 2020, hosted by Women’s Web happens on the 26th of Jan, and I’ve the privilege of being nominated in 3 categories!
‘Promising New Blogger’, ‘Parent Blogging’,  and ‘Short Fiction.’
If you plan to be in Mumbai on the 25th of January, consider attending the awards. It’s a daylong event with many powerful speakers. Passes are still available at

Continue reading“Orange Flower Awards 2020”

#amwriting challenge

I popped on over to the Momspresso Facebook page for the #amwriting challenge. These are weekly challenges and it was my delightful turn to select a prompt and share it with Momspresso’s vast audience. I will be helping choose a winner within a week and I’m pumped to read all the stories they come up with.Continue reading“#amwriting challenge”

Open Sea.

Imagine you’re in the middle of the open sea. A good-sized boat, extra paddles should you need them and a hardy crew to help steer you through the bad storms. Plentiful food, a toasty spot under the sun and a warm blanket once the stars come out. Sure, there are big waves and fishes of all sizes under the water. If you look up, you might even catch some pesky grey clouds that hug the horizon. But it’s a decent, honest life. And it’s all you’ve known.Continue reading“Open Sea.”

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