Truth be told, it was only a matter of time.Continue reading“2 pink lines.”
Oh, Courtney!
(Photo by Wyron A on Unsplash)
There’s a new pest in town, and “her” name is Courtney.
You see, Courtney sends me daily emails about hooking up.Continue reading“Oh, Courtney!”
You and I.
The pandemic continues, because why not? New mutations whoop with glee, rubbing their hands and waiting to be put into the game. We’re only a couple of Greek letters down; there’s plenty left to kill us all twice. 2021 continues, and the other day I prayed for a glitch in the matrix — something to shake us out of this endless landscape of fear and disease.
But 2021 wasn’t all bad. Here’s some good stuff that kept me going this year.Continue reading“You and I.”
Just a dog.
My dog, Minnie, celebrated her birthday this Sunday. She turned 3 and has been a source of joy and laughter every day she’s been in our lives. So, I sat at my table and decided to write her a poem.
Now, at first, I felt a little silly about the whole thing. She’s a dog (duh), can’t read (double duh!), and frankly, didn’t I have better things to do?Continue reading“Just a dog.”
Nevertheless, she persisted – a true story.
He was an autistic 8-year-old; not fond of animals. She was a feisty corgi puppy, determined to bite everyone in her path.
He screamed. She herded. He cried. She cocked her head and squeaked. But nevertheless she persisted.Continue reading“Nevertheless, she persisted – a true story.”
Are we worthy?
(Photo by Sirisvisual on Unsplash)
Are we worthy because we’re famous? Rich and successful? Do we feel special because we’re good-looking or well dressed? On days we’ve “contributed,” do we sleep better?
And when we come across someone else, how do we determine their worth?Continue reading“Are we worthy?”
Two men and a dog.
The front yard fence had been replaced by a newer, sturdier design. Long, horizontal slats of wood had been nailed to posts after careful measurements. But Minnie’s dad was still worried. From her past misadventures, he was sure she’d squeeze between the fence’s pickets and hightail it to the McDonald’s nearby. He wanted to be certain it was corgi-proof. The Handyman — who’d been extra thorough in his estimations — assured him it was. But Dad wasn’t convinced. So he set up a test.
I can’t and I won’t.
(Photo by Kaleidico on Unsplash )
These past few years, I’ve learned a lot about writing from an assortment of sources. The art of effortless storytelling. How to come up with pithy pieces. Which writing faux pas are frowned upon and which are forgiven. I’d like to think I’ve absorbed some of this knowledge, but these days my brain feels like grandma’s old sieve, so those lessons aren’t always reflected in my writing.Continue reading“I can’t and I won’t.”
Just keep swimming.
“Amma, I hate it! I hate it so much!”
“I’m never going back there again. Ever!”
“Please, Amma. Can you please take me out of swimming class?” Continue reading“Just keep swimming.”
Warm, fluffy moccasins.
When I was 5 years old, my Amma read me this magical story. It was from an expensive book with big, chunky pages — part of a larger collection of fairy tales. I remember snuggling in bed on warm summer nights and asking for the same book over and over again. The story of Cinderella and her evil stepsisters. Continue reading“Warm, fluffy moccasins.”